Squirrel Academy - kids games

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Children's development - only parents know what is really behind this phrase. And how much time do parents spend to find useful learning games for their kids. The Internet is now full of educational content for toddlers and responsible parents are scratching their heads about what to choose for their boys and girls. Modern children's games must meet the strict requirements of parents and at the same time please the children themselves:
• include developing and training components;
• explain educational materials in a simple and accessible language for kids;
• tasks should be both useful and interesting, so that the baby does not get bored, but wants to explore the world around him, expanding his cognitive potential;
• the game should present instructive content in an exciting way to keep the attention of the smallest 3-4-5 years old and older fidgets 6-7 years old;
• the process must certainly be interactive so that children are involved in it and perceive learning as a fun game;
• and, of course, the developmental girls should train fine motor skills.

All this is the basis of the game for children "Educational Games: Explore the World", in which educational and educational materials for kids are presented in the format of a fairy tale about the real production processes of the world! Together with funny animals, your child will plunge into the exciting process of creating everyday, well-known things:
1. Bread - how is it baked? (field, sorting, bakery);
2. Where does paper come from and what else can be made from wood? (timber, paper mill, furniture factory);
3. How are Christmas decorations made? (sand quarry, toy factory);
4. What is oil and why is it needed? (extraction, processing, refueling);
5. How are clothes made? What is cotton and why is it needed? (growing, making clothes);
6. Building a house - how is it done? (all about construction);
7. How is the favorite children's treat - ice cream - prepared? (milk, ice cream factory);
8. Waste recycling plant - where does the garbage go and why should it be recycled?
And other production processes!

The interface of the game is designed specifically for children! Our game is designed for both girls and boys of all ages - 3-4-5-6-7 years old!

In "Squirrel Academy - kids games" there is a map of the city and its environs, on which there are factories and factories for the production of things familiar to the child. Choosing the production of bread, the kid, together with the squirrel Tisha, studies the whole process of its creation - sows wheat, takes care of the harvest, collects mature grains, takes them to the mill, bakes bread, delivers it to the store and sells it to the buyer. The entire gameplay is accompanied by sound and visual prompts, involving the child - you need to drag objects, press buttons, switch toggle switches, which perfectly develops fine motor skills. The game was created for children, so it is impossible to lose in it - no children's tears and disappointments! And additional game tasks keep the attention of children and develop observation skills!

"Squirrel Academy - kids games" are simplified and adapted for children processes of creating various things, and thanks to interactive interaction, children will remember exactly what and how to do it. We show the production of things from the inside, explaining the complex in simple words and images - the logic of the production of the things and objects around him becomes clear to the child.

"Squirrel Academy - kids games" is:
• developing and educational materials in the form of a game;
• for children 3-4-5-6-7 years old - interesting for both girls and boys;
• fine motor skills, logic, memory, thinking, ingenuity, attention, observation - all this develops our game.

Parents, playing our game your kid will definitely be the smartest among his peers!
Oxirgi yangilanish
24-iyn, 2023

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4 Римского-Корсакова, 11, 258 Москва Russia 127566

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