Painter Kid: Color Adventure

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Painter Kid: Draw and Color Animals is a completely free-to-play painting game created for your children. There are no ads, no in-app purchases. We provide a safe and educational environment for kids of all ages. In this free coloring game, you can find many types of animals such as dogs, cats, squirrels, dolphins, pandas, or even crabs, turtles, and more.

Our game is completely free and made for educational purposes with creating a fun experience for your kids. In the making of this game, Consultation from a pedagog is received to provide your children the most suitable environment while they are having fun. In Painter Kid: Draw and Color Animals you won't find any in-app purchases or advertisements, just a great coloring app you can play with your children. We don't want our kids consuming hundreds of ads while they learn, and we think other parents agree with that, as well!

Allow your toddlers or your children to express themselves creatively. Every kid likes drawing and our game feeds their creativity along with developing children's imagination. Coloring cartoons and scenery is organized simply, so your kids could easily select a color from the palette and start drawing.

Game and Function Details:

1- Easy to use for all children of every age
2- Safe environment for your children on our no-ads offline game platform
3-Free Coloring book with various coloring pages in an animal theme which includes animals like dog, cat, panda, dolphin, squirrel, lion, gazelle, bee, and more!
4- After finishing their work your children can take the photo of their masterpieces.
5- Coloring and drawing pictures with a finger on the screen.
6- We also provide the opportunity for your kids to decorate the room with their paintings as their wish
7- Wonderful coloring app for children of all ages.
8- Free kids coloring game that includes a wide selection of images.
9- Free drawing game, Draw your drawings
10- Draw with a pencil and eraser

This app was designed and developed to minimize the toddlers and children struggle while using any coloring book game. We tried to reduce small coloring areas which kids find difficult to fill or paint with their fingers. In our game, children can also change the brush size while using paint tools for coloring in small or big areas. Control coloring areas as they do in printed coloring pages, providing a good range of colors for selection to help kids make beautiful paintings and show their coloring skills offered in a most user-friendly way for your kids.

Do you want to develop and motivate your children's imagination and creative ability?

Then download and install it now!
Oxirgi yangilanish
30-may, 2023

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Fun new levels have been added.
Different color variations have been included for creating colorful paintings.
Performance improvements have been made.
Some minor bugs have been fixed.