Rolling Sky: Music Game

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56 ta sharh
10 ming+
Yoshga oid cheklov
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Rolling Sky Music Game is the most generous, Groove, amazing slither music arcade game you have ever played that brings you the most extraordinary and finest music ball rhythms journey leading you in multiple color worlds king and environment and increasing difficulty and challenge to reach the final Groove levels temple.

Principale :

Rolling Sky Music Game, is a miracle and surprise in the dance line dance arcade game universe that combines various magic and popular musical play instruments with are : piano play, guitar play, Drum, and some more instruments that makes the game a magical and unique experience like no other.

by relaxing and Listening carefully to the music notes and tap to the screen to guide the Ball along in the path and visiting monuments across, avoiding obstacles and traps To reach the end of the snake maze trip, just remember one thing is to stay away for the walls and not smash them.

So trust you dash, reflex, eyes and fingers and let your imagination flies over the sky.

Game play features :
- Geometry architecture ZigZag
- Multiple snake cubes choices and animation.
- Smoothly tapping
- Multiples seasons, soundtrack and worlds king
- Colorful levels ZigZag
- High quality 3D graphics Ball dash

Finally we hope that you enjoy living the experience and and getting it all and please if you have any question or suggestions please feel free to contact us.
Oxirgi yangilanish
21-iyn, 2024

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