Dr. Seuss’s Story Collection

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On Sale for a limited time only. Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!

Dive into 8 exciting Dr. Seuss interactive book apps for young readers! Explore pictures, learn new vocabulary, and follow along with three fun ways to read! Enjoy short stories from Yertle the Turtle, I Can Lick 30 Tigers Today! and Other Stories, and The Sneetches, all in one convenient place.

Explore Dr. Seuss’s Short Story Collection:
- ENCOURAGE literacy skills with highlighted narration
- FOLLOW along with three fun ways to read!
- LEARN new vocabulary with tappable words
- TAP objects to hear their name read aloud

Designed for children ages 2-6

From Yertle the Turtle:
-The Big Brag - A rabbit and a bear both boast that they are the "best of the beasts" only to be humbled by a mere worm who sees "the two biggest fools that have ever been seen!"
-Gertrude McFuzz - A young bird named Gertrude obsessed to be prettier learns a valuable lesson about accepting and believing in oneself.

From I Can Lick 30 Tigers Today! and Other Stories:
-I Can Lick 30 Tigers Today! - A boastful young cat learns the perils of bragging when he overconfidently declares he can lick 30 tigers.
-King Looie Katz - King Looie of Katzen-stein insists that his tail be carried around which leads to his kingdom revolting with "demo-catic" results.
-The Glunk that got Thunk - A small cat tells the story of his imaginative sister who "thunked a Glunk" and how he must team up with her to get rid of the disruptive creature.

From The Sneetches:
-Too Many Daves - Mrs. McCave names all of hers sons "Dave" which causes problems in her family and leads to an amusing list of names she wishes she had named them instead.
-The Zax - A north-going zax and a south-going zax stubbornly refuse to move out of each other ways and get literally get stuck in their tracks.
-What Was I Scared Of? - A timeless message about fear and tolerance as the story’s narrator repeatedly meets up with an empty pair of pale-green pants, both who are equally afraid of each other.


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- Please share your thoughts in a review! Your experience matters to us.
- Need tech support? Contact us at support@omapp.com
- Say hello to us on FB! facebook.com/oceanhousemedia

Official Dr. Seuss licensed App. Dr. Seuss Properties ™ & © 2013 Dr. Seuss Enterprises, L.P. All rights reserved.
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