Kiddos in a Chocolate City

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Are you looking for early education fun activities for kids?
Do you want to have one learning app containing different kids learning games?

Meet Kiddos in a Chocolate City Kids Games, which is part of our “Kiddos in..” educational games series. It contains numerous brain training, phonics, memory, and educational games in one app.

Get your kids in a Chocolate City of kids games and let them choose whatever they want to play. Every game is beneficial for their education and development. No need to install shape games so your kids can learn shapes, or kids sudoku games for kids brain gaining, or ABC learning games so your kid can learn and practice the alphabet. Now you have Kiddos in a Chocolate City Kids Games!

Give your kids some fun brain training with kids link games where they need to match and tap at least two sweets and completely different challenges.

When kids get bored from playing learning preschool games, let them be the main chefs with our interactive kids cooking game.

For some fun kids brain training let them play the kids memory game where they need to remember two objects in the eggs and match them correctly.

Test their basic math knowledge with some basic math operation challenges with 2 different kids math games. The first one is where the math challenge is on the right, while they need to guess the correct answer on the chocolate on the left which is filled with numbers. They have 3 lives (they lose a life for each incorrect answer). The other math learn numbers game involves calculations with cookies and choosing the correct answer.

In this kids word game, the player needs to match the candy letters to create a word. This is a perfect kids word learning game and can serve as a helpful kid vocab builder for toddlers and kindergarten children.

Have them learn time with a simple kids time learning game where they need to guess the correct answer on both digital and classic clocks.

Does your child understand the basics of sudoku? Want to learn them to play sudoku? Then enjoy the kids sudoku game which is an excellent brain training and development game.

Want your kids to learn the alphabet faster or learn letters? Let them play the alphabet learning game in which they need to uncover or break objects to see and hear the letter.

Our kids learning games don’t end here. Kiddos in a Chocolate City Kids Games also includes trace shape matching in which kids need to match shapes by drawing the path to the correct shape. This is perfect for kids to understand and learn shapes, as well as for hand-eye coordination.

👦Kiddos in a Chocolate City FEATURES:
- exquisite Chocolate-inspired graphics and soundtrack
- adorable kids characters which greet and release sound when you click on them
- 10 kids and toddler learning games to choose from
- simple controls
- excellent when you need fun kids activities, educational games for kids, and fun learning games for kids
- perfect for kids aged 2-7 years

Whether you need pre-k learning games free, free alphabet learning games, free preschool learning games, or kids phonics and tracing games, the all-in-one collection of kids educational games free in Kiddos in a Chocolate City is a perfect choice.

👉Download Kiddos in a Chocolate City Kids Games for the best and most entertaining development of your kids' knowledge.
Oxirgi yangilanish
29-sen, 2024

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Google Play “Butun oila uchun” dasturi qoidalariga amal qiladi

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Due to copyright issues the name of the game has been changed.

Play and have Fun 【😎】