Lovely Piano

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This app is an app that allows you to play the piano.

This piano is for people who want to play piano for fun or to pass the time.

# What can you do with this app?
Play the piano
Record of performance
Play a recorded performance
Play demo songs

# 7 types of keyboards
For one person/1 octave (range: C4-C5)
For one person/2 octaves (range: C4-C6)
For one person/3 octaves (range: C3-C6)
For one person/5 octaves (range: C3-C8)
For two people/1 octave (range: C4-C5)
For two people/2 octaves (range: C4-C6)
For two people/3 octaves (range: C3-C6)

# 5 types of tones
You can choose from piano, clarinet, guitar, glockenspiel, and trumpet.

# Metronome
The metronome speed can be set from 40 to 208.

# Record of performance
Two tracks can be recorded and will not disappear even if you exit the app.

# Demo
12 types of demo songs are available.
There are three modes : 1. Sound only, 2. Guide only, and 3. Sound + guide.
When you use the guide, a guide (red circle) will be displayed to tell you which key to press

# Change the tempo
Changes in tempo will be applied to playback of recorded performances and demo songs.
The tempo can be set from -5 to 5.

Note : Recording performances, playback of recorded performances, demos, and changing the tempo are only available for one person keyborad : 1 octave, 2 octave, and 3 octave.
Oxirgi yangilanish
17-dek, 2023

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