Keep Screen On - On forever

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Due to the reason that android OS doesn't support keep screen on forever, so we have created Keep Screen On - On forever app to do that for you.

Just only one tap! you can turn on/off Keep Screen On - On forever very easily.

Some features of Keep Screen On - On forever app :
- Show on notification panel, easier and very fast to turn on/off keep screen on.
- Support widget, that is very useful when you want to do keep screen on from home screen.

Important notes: Keep Screen On - On forever app uses Android's accessibility feature to display a overlay over the screen to be able to keep screen on forever. Keep Screen On - On forever app does not read your screen content and also does not collect any data. Accessibility service is required to use the app.

This is the link to explain why app needs to access Accessibility service
Oxirgi yangilanish
19-iyl, 2024

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