OpenBioMaps data forms

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You can use OpenBioMaps to record monitoring data for living organisms and habitats. In addition to basic data (what, when, where and in what quantities), the OpenBioMaps app allows you to compile and use any data collection forms.

To use the application, you must sign up on a selected OpenBioMaps server, which usually requires an invitation!

You can upload the monitoring data collected offline to the selected OBM database server.

Once connected to a server, the app downloads the background data needed to work offline.

Key features:
- Use of custom monitoring forms for different monitoring programs.
- Offline use: recording observation data without an internet connection.
- Collection of spatial data: recording of the location of living organisms and habitats using maps or recording of location data.
- Record location in the background to create a tracklog to measure search effort or record the shape of habitats.
- Upload monitoring data and tracklogs to the destination server if an Internet connection is available.
- Map display of tracklogs and recorded data.
- Support for the use of custom language versions.
- Fast data entry thanks to a number of auxiliary functions, such as: autocompletion of lists; recent searches; pre-filled items; customizable form field history, ...
Oxirgi yangilanish
20-mar, 2024

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