Kids Christmas Games- Puzzles

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Do your kids love Christmas? Do they love Santa Claus, cute reindeer, a frosty snowman, and puzzles too? Look no further. Christmas Games for Kids: Cool Santa Claus, Snowman, and Reindeer Jigsaw Puzzles for Toddlers, Boys, and Girls HD is a fun animated puzzle game for toddlers, preschoolers, and kids from ages 2 to 6.

The app includes twelve different child and toddler friendly, jigsaw-style puzzles with options to change the number of pieces and remove other helpers. The puzzles start off easy to play and get more challenging- perfect for the little one in your life who loves the best things Christmas: frosty snow, a cool snowman, Santa Claus, cute reindeer, and puzzles!

The Christmas themed scenes include a fun frosty snowman waving, Santa Claus with his cherry red nose flying through the air with his reindeer, cute penguins playing, Christmas Trees with presents, and much more! Every scene will light up your child's imagination as they take part in this amazing fantasy world!

Santa Claus, Snowman, and Reindeer Jigsaw Puzzles for Toddlers, Boys, and Girls HD features virtual jigsaw pieces for learning shape recognition and matching- great for educational purposes or just for fun! Good for one of your child's first puzzle games- it's easy for beginners to connect with and get lost in this magical children's fantasy world.

* Fun, creative graphics by illustrator Jenny Tiffany.
* 12 different fun Christmas puzzles to choose from!
* Positive encouragement.
* Fun interactive stars and bubbles to pop!
* Choose your own difficulty! Increase the number of pieces from 9 up to 24 as your child's fine motor and spatial skills improve!
* Easy for kids to use and control.
Oxirgi yangilanish
14-iyl, 2020

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