Orthopedic Anatomy

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163 ta sharh
10 ming+
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Orthopedic Anatomy Application is a simple tool that contains an explanation of the anatomy of the muscle in a simple briefing way .

It's organized into upper extremity and lower extremity regions in addition to nerves of the upper and lower extremity, and each region is divided into the muscles of that region. Each muscle is explained as: the origin of the muscle, the insertion, the action, innervation and blood supply of the muscle. And each muscle section contains a simple image of it.

Orthopedic Anatomy application is designed for medical students, orthopedic surgeon and any medical professional person who is interested in anatomy of the human body.
Features of the app:
- Simple, beautiful UI.
- Searching feature.
- The app is totally offline (no need for internet connection)
- It's organized in a simple and easy way.

If you have any idea to develop the application, please feel free to contact us to submit it.

To have a free ads version with more muscles of body parts, download it from google play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ortho.humananatomy
Oxirgi yangilanish
12-iyl, 2024

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