Orthopedic Surgical Approaches

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464 ta sharh
10 ming+
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Orthopedic Approaches is an application that contains all operative surgical approaches in orthopedics in a simple and easy way.

The application contains the surgical approaches divided according to the regions into:
1. Shoulder Approaches,
2. Humerus Approaches,
3. Elbow Approaches,
4. Forearm Approaches,
5. Wrist & Hand Approaches,
6. Pelvis & Hip Approaches,
7. Femur Approaches,
8. Knee Approaches,
9. Tibia & Fibula Approaches,
10. Ankle & Foot Approaches.

Within each section there are all approaches for this region.

Within each approaches, the approaches is divided into:
1. Approaches indications
2. The internervous plan
3. Anatomical landmarks
4. Surgical incision
5. Superficial dissection
6. Deep dissection
7. Approach extension
8. Risks of the approach.
Application features:
- Easy & friendly UI.
- Search the app by Approach name
- The application is completely offline.
- The approaches are divided according to the region
- You can add an approach that is not in the app by contacting us through the app.
- Images are only available in PRO version of the app.

If there is an error in the information listed in the app, please feel free to contact us immediately.
Oxirgi yangilanish
6-iyl, 2024

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