Gidle - Queencard Piano Game

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1 ming+
Yoshga oid cheklov
Hamma uchun

Bu oʻyin haqida

For those of you who are enthusiasts of music and enjoy listening to songs, we've designed a game to assist you in realizing your aspiration to become a pianist. This game showcases the song "(여자)아이들 (G)I-dle Piano" and is crafted to make it convenient for you to commit it to memory while pressing the provided tiles.

The gameplay is user-friendly, featuring a straightforward interface complemented by fitting music.

How to Engage:

Choose the desired song for your playthrough.
Begin by tapping on the black tiles.
Maintain your focus and avoid tapping the incorrect tiles.
Perceived Advantages:
This interactive experience offers several benefits, including:

Enhancing your ability to retain and memorize music and songs.
Cultivating swiftness and dexterity in your fingers.
Strengthening your focus and concentration.
As well as various other perceived advantages.
Key Features:
Our game comprises:

Background music to heighten the ambiance.
Customizable background display options.
An assortment of songs and more.
Wishing you the best as you embark on this musical journey.
Thank you!
Oxirgi yangilanish
20-avg, 2023

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