Santa Claws

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2,62 ming ta sharh
100 ming+
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Embark on a heartwarming journey into the enchanting world of Santa Claws, where the magic of Christmas comes to life. As the festive season unfolds, join Santa on a mission to collect toys and gifts scattered across a whimsical winter landscape.

Each level is a new challenge, filled with joyous surprises and festive obstacles to overcome. Dive into the snowy landscapes, adorned with twinkling lights and charming decorations, as you follow Santa on his sleigh ride through this magical wonderland.

Santa Claws isn't just a game; it's a celebration of the holiday spirit. Immerse yourself in the joyous melodies of Christmas carols and the delightful visuals that capture the essence of the season. With each new gift you will, witness the magic unfold as Santa collects toys and gifts to spread cheer to children around the world.

Discover power-ups and special items that will aid you on your quest, making each level a unique and engaging experience. As you progress, unlock new challenges and earn rewards that will fill Santa's sack with even more festive surprises.

Santa Claws is the perfect companion for cozy winter nights, providing hours of entertainment for the whole family. Download Santa Claws now and embark on a magical journey filled with love, laughter, and the spirit of giving.
Oxirgi yangilanish
18-avg, 2024

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Reytinglar va sharhlar

2,55 ming ta sharh
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29-dekabr, 2023
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