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Hamma uchun

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C ABC alphabet learning games for kids is a phenomenal idea for young children exploring alphabets. It has varying activities of c words for preschool. Kids usually choose a letter and begin exploring several things starting with it. This C ABC alphabet app is all about letter c activity for preschoolers. Your child will be learning rapidly by sight, sound and touch via colours, pictures and words.

This C ABC alphabet app has all in one things that start with c for preschool children. The c words for preschool app starts with a grid of learning and practice activities about the letter c. The learn category with the look and seem activity of how the letter appears to be in Capital and small form. Then comes the tracing part where you will find an immense range of colours to trace over the dotted area. Since, children love colours and get excited with anything relating, they can ride through this fun-filled experience of colour with letter c. You might get confused with various animals starting with any specific alphabet as initial.

This app includes a separate list for animal names that start with c along with their pronunciation. There’s a similar one for birds. Not only this but vegetables that start with c, fruits that start with c and tapping on the things brings up the names of the objects starting with c as initial letter.The app is self-contained and doesn’t show up any options or settings screens, making it very child-friendly. It is fun and engaging and the sounds keeps children engaged.


– Engaging interface.
– Each object accompanied by colourful pictures.
– A voice reading the pronunciation of everything.
– Appropriate content.
– Sound mode can be muted.

C app for kids is a phonics and alphabet teaching app that makes learning fun for children, from toddlers all the way to preschoolers and kindergarteners. It features a series of tracing games to help kids recognise alphabet C and put their alphabet knowledge to use in fun exercises. Any toddler, kindergartener or preschool age child can learn C alphabet simply by involving fun activities. Teachers and parents can use it as an educational tool to teach students while having fun.

Note to Parents:
We created this C alphabet app for children of all ages. We're parents ourselves, so we know exactly what we wanted to see in an educational game and had the ability to think and understand the overall content for what is right and what not for them.
We absolutely are aware of the concern that parents of young children hold while having them learn and play games on different platforms. We have put all our effort and made sure with the help of teachers and professionals of young children to take carry aim of educating children in this app.

Our goal is to provide a safe and accessible learning resource for as many families as possible. By downloading and sharing, you're contributing to better education for children around the world.

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Oxirgi yangilanish
16-avg, 2021

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The learning apps brings C Alphabet App, which is a phenomenal idea for young children exploring alphabets. It has varying activities of c words for preschool. Kids usually choose a letter and begin exploring several things starting with it. This app is all about letter c activity for preschoolers.