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.nomedia files tell Android not to scan certain directories for images of videos or audio files.

This search is done systematically each time you turn on your device, which slows down the launch of the system, especially if you have many files.

Also, since the directories containing these files are not scanned, their content does not appear in the gallery. This is a simple way to not display certain files there. Warning, this is not a tool to protect your privacy because these files can still be seen, especially in the file manager!

Creating this file manually is however not sufficient. It is also necessary to force Android to take this modification into account!

This application allows you to easily create or delete these .nomedia files in the chosen directories:

• Turn on the switch of a directory in order to create the .nomedia file. Images from this directory (and its subdirectories) no longer appear in the gallery.
• Turn off the switch to delete the .nomedia file. The images appear again in the gallery.

This application is guaranteed without the collection of personal data!

In order to access all files on the device, the app requests the permissions below:

• MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - Allows an application wide access to storage.

• WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - Allows an application to write to storage.


⚠ From Android 12 (and sometimes Android 11 for some models), Google no longer allows the presence of .nomedia files in almost all top-level system directories (DCIM, Pictures, Alarms, etc.) and certain sub-directories like DCIM/Camera 😕.
If you create this file in these directories, the system destroys it immediately! Fortunately, the subdirectories that you can create there (for example DCIM/Camera/Family) are not affected. Create subdirectories and transfer your images there to be able to hide them.
Oxirgi yangilanish
10-may, 2024

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