Petricore AR Experiments

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Petricore AR Experiments is one application housing a multitude of Augmented Reality experiences created by Petricore. They range from quick tech demos to games you can repeatedly play.

We wanted to push the boundaries of AR technology, and experiment with its use for games & play. Some of the experiments you will find in this application include:
- Paint Mix: Inspired by the #guessthepaint TikTok trend, this allows users to pull colors from the real-world and mix in augmented reality to match a provided color.
- Family Photo: Upload photos from your camera roll and place them on your walls as AR photo frames.
- Pet the Dog: Place an AR Dog, then pet it!
- Creature Chorus: An AR music-making game where you place musical creatures down in the world and their sound change based on your location to them.
- And more coming: We’ll be continually updating this application with new experiments and tweaks to old experiments as well.

If you’d like to learn more about Petricore, and these experiments you can also visit our website here:

Petricore is a games and software development company that has been working professionally in XR/AR since 2015, and has worked on projects for clients such as Mitsubishi, Burger King, Ellen, and Star Trek.

*Device Warning* All experiences require AR-capable devices to work, and some may require the latest available devices. If you can’t run a particular experiment it may be that it is not supported for your device.
Oxirgi yangilanish
24-fev, 2022

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Nima yangiliklar

Initial release of our AR experiment collection.
The first included experiments are Paint Mix, Family Photo, Pet the Dog, and Creature Chorus, with more coming soon!

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Dasturchi haqida
Petricore, Inc.
80 William St Worcester, MA 01609 United States
+1 508-257-1204

Petricore, Inc – boshqa ilovalar