OneVue Wired Device Config

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The OneVue Wired Device Configurator (OWDC) app provides the experience of managing Primex network devices locally at a device on a mobile platform. The app provides the flexibility and convenience to add new devices to OneVue and also view or edit a device's primary settings. Network devices include a Primex Sensor, Smart-Sync Bridge, Bell Controller, and Levo Digital PoE Clock.

Once you download the app, you connect a Primex network device to your Android device and the app guides you through the entire process. It's a simple, easy process that provides on-site configuration.

Requires either a Mini-USB to Micro-USB OTG cable or USB C to Mini USB cable.

Note: This app does not support configuring devices with EAP-TLS authentication
Oxirgi yangilanish
18-okt, 2023

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Updated for Android 13