Vanita Sandesh

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Sarojini Naidu Vanita Maha Vidyalaya, started as a tiny tutorial college, known as UWCA (University Women’s Cultural Association) college in 1957 was handed over in 1961 to the Osmania Graduates’ Association (OGA).

It was renamed as Vanita Maha Vidyalaya and was affiliated to Osmania University with PUC in 1962. In 1964 affiliation was obtained for UG courses in Arts and Science and the college adopted the Motto “ Vidya Vinayena Shobhate” (Humility adds Lustre to Education).

In 1969 the noted freedom fighter – Khan Abdul Gafar Khan popularly known as 'Frontier Gandhi’ laid the foundation stone for the main building of the college.

To consolidate its Mission to empower women through education and a tribute to the Poet, Orator, Freedom Fighter, Bharata Kokila ‘Sarojini Naidu’, the college was renamed as Sarojini Naidu Vanita Maha Vidyalaya in 1971. The founding and naming of the college is therefore, marked by a stately ambience that is all pervasive and ever present.

In 1972 Intermediate Courses in Science and Arts in both English and Telugu media were started and in 1973 B.Com commenced.

In 1988 in commemoration of the Silver Jubilee of the Institution, P.G courses in English and Commerce were started. In 1991 M.Sc. in Botany and Zoology were started. M.Sc. Chemistry and Physics commenced in 2001 and 2007 respectively.

Apart from the regular courses in B.A., B.Sc., and B.Com., over a period of time, Self-financed courses in Microbiology, Computer Science, Electronics, Biochemistry and Nutrition in B.Sc., and B.Com. Computers were introduced.

At Intermediate level, Vocational courses in Computer Science and Technology, Accountancy and Taxation and Medical Lab Technician were also introduced.

Over the years the college has evolved from a meagre 39 students to its present stature with a strength of 3500 students.
Oxirgi yangilanish
1-avg, 2024

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