Big 2 - Poker game

Reklamalar mavjud
208 ta sharh
50 ming+
Yoshga oid cheklov
T (13+)

Bu oʻyin haqida

Big 2 is a poker game, with rules easy to learn. It is very dynamic and intense. Each player plays for himself, but it need to cooperate with each other as much as possible to achieve the greatest benefit. The relationship between the enemy an ourselves is rapidly changing. \n The one who gets diamond 3 plays first, and the card he or she plays should include diamond 3. The active player can bing out any cards he or she wants, but the one who follows should only bring out cards which are larger than the active player`s. It`s your turn but you don`t want to bring out any cards or you have no cards to play with,choose pass for next player. The player who freed cards first and foremost is the winner of this game.\n The cards are displayed in such sequential orders: 2>A>K>Q>J>10>9>8>7>6>5>4>3,Spade>Heart>Diamond>Club. When number of the cards equal, we compare with suits.\n Types of cards in the game:(1)Single: a single card;(2)Pair: two cards with the same number;(3)Three: three cards with the same number;(4)Straight:five sequential cards;(5)Straight flush:five sequential cards with same suit;(6)Five same suits:but not straight flush, example heart '278JK';(7)Three with a pair:for example 99955;(8)Four with a single:for example 4444K.(9)Dragon:thirteen sequential cards,A2345678910JQK.
Oxirgi yangilanish
29-dek, 2022

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