Gigant Icons - Big Icons

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195 ta sharh
50 ming+
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Get ready to upgrade your home screen with our Gigant Icons widget app! Say goodbye to boring and standard icons, and hello to a visually stunning and personalized home screen.

With our app, you can choose from a wide range of icon styles, from flat to gradient, and easily apply them to your existing icons. The app also features a collection of custom wallpapers to match your new icons, giving your home screen a complete and cohesive look.

The Gigant Icons app also allows you to customize the size of your icons, making them larger or smaller, depending on your preferences. And, with the option to set custom icon frames, you can further personalize your home screen and make it stand out.

So why settle for standard icons when you can have gigant icons? Download our app now and elevate your home screen to the next level!

Giganticon is great for kids to make the homescreen simpler, and great at increasing accessibility for people who have poor vision or trouble touching small icons. Kids and grand parents will rejoice!

Legal notice:
Oxirgi yangilanish
26-mar, 2024

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Reytinglar va sharhlar

182 ta sharh

Nima yangiliklar

- Set custom icon
- Hide app title
- Performance improved
- Minor bug fixed