Flashlight : Flash Alert Call

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Flashlight: Flash Alert Call is one of the most useful and optimal LED flash applications which helps you never miss any call or message. An app that helps you turns on your flashlight when anyone calls you or sends a message..

A flash alert is very useful to help you not miss any calls or sms even in situations where you can't hear ringtones or feel vibrations. It is simple and easy to use.

In noisy parties, dark places, or silent meetings, the blinking lights of Flash Alert keep you informed without relying on sound or vibration.

The best feature in this is that you can enable the flash service only for incoming calls or only for SMS and you can also enable both the services at a time.

In this, you can start flash service with just one tap. After this, when there is an incoming call or an SMS on your phone, the phone's flash will start blinking to give you a signal.

So download this Flashlight: Flash Alert Call app and start flash service on incoming call and SMS so that never miss any of your important call or message.

Main Features:

Easy to use.

Enable the flash service.

Blink flash alerts when have a call.

Blink flash alerts when have SMS.

Turn ON or OFF all the blink-flash alerts with a single tap.

Easily find your phone in dark corners with the blinking light.

Never miss important calls or messages even in a meeting or quiet places.

★ The flash will blink when mobile phone receives a Call, Message or Notification of all apps.
★ Very useful to help you not miss Call, sms in dark night even mobile phone is in Vibrate or silent.

The flashlight application, call alert light, message flash light is completely free, does not consume the phone battery, does not reduce the durability of the phone. Please feel free to use it.
Oxirgi yangilanish
7-noy, 2023

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