Amelia Virtual Care

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Amelia is the first all-in-one VR platform for therapists and mental health professionals. Apply more effective therapeutic interventions in less time on dozens of conditions.

Amelia offers:
- A Complete Virtual Realy therapy solution: A complete solution that includes unlimited access to the Psious VR therapy platform, a state-of-the-art VR headset for psychotherapy, and an advanced biofeedback sensor.

- An Online platform: With a clean and intuitive interface and 1-click sync with the VR headset and biofeedback, it has never been easier to apply VR therapy in the clinical practice.

- 70+ VR environments and scenes: The platform includes more than 70 virtual reality and augmented reality scenes, together with 360º videos, to treat almost any kind of mental health condition.

- Academy and learning resources: Get free access to the Amelia Academy learning resources, and get certified as a VR Therapy expert through ongoing training, webinars, and courses.

The Amelia platform has more than 70 virtual environments and scenes specially designed to easily treat dozens of pathologies. The therapist can use multiple therapeutic techniques (psychoeducation, gradual exposure, systematic desensitization, relaxation, distraction, acceptance and commitment, mindfulness, EMDR …) to work with their patients.

It allows for the treatment of all kinds of disorders such as anxiety (phobias, panic, agoraphobia, generalized anxiety, OCD, ADHD, public speaking, exams, etc.), attention management, eating disorders, and pain management, among others.

Validated by more than 25 years of scientific studies. VR therapy provides the opportunity for mental health professionals to not only reproduce real-life scenarios but also to adapt and control these environments to suit the individual needs of their clients.

This technology allows mental health professionals to evaluate and identify their client’s fears and anxieties within the safety of a consultation room. VR is a tool that effectively facilitates the application of psychological evaluation and intervention protocols.

Main benefits of Amelia for psychology and mental health:

- Personalized Treatments: It provides greater control of the stimuli. The therapist can adjust the process to the needs of each patient.

- Easy and Accessible: It offers the ability to carry out treatments in difficult-to-access stimulation configurations (For example, airplane take-offs, storms, interactions with animals)

- Greater Control: You can control what the patient experiences at all times during the session, allowing you to detect the most clinically relevant stimuli.

- Lower Cost: It is cost-effective as it allows the therapist to treat patients without leaving the office.

- Beyond the Reality: It allows repeating scenes as many times as necessary. For example, recreating 10 airplane take-offs in a row, or having the patient ride the elevator without stopping for five minutes.

- Safer Environments: Both the patient and the therapist have complete control at all times of what is happening.

- Self-training: The patient does not have to wait for the events to take place in real life but can produce and reproduce them whenever he wishes.

- Scientifically Validated: More than a decade of controlled studies have proven the effectiveness of virtual reality therapy.

- More Privacy: It offers a greater degree of privacy than in vivo exposure.
Oxirgi yangilanish
5-may, 2023

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Nima yangiliklar

Improvements in file management
New audio scenes support
Support Hebrew in VR messages