Stray Cat Doors2

Reklamalar mavjudIlova ichida xaridlar
52 ming ta sharh
5 mln+
Yoshga oid cheklov
Hamma uchun

Bu oʻyin haqida

The time that I spent with you at the house, the journey at dusk, the lost city
and the way back home through the white breathing snow...

The escape adventure game that has been a worldwide hit
"Stray Cat Doors"'s continuation is finally here!

◆Game introduction◆

■ Features
It's a escape adventure game where you solve the mystery and clear each stage with a cute character.
For those who have not played the previous game do not worry because you can enjoy it without problems.
In this new work, you can now operate the character and explore the stage together.
If you find difficult to solve any mystery, the hint function will help you so even beginners can enjoy it.
The kitties from the previous work will also appear. Please be healed by the warm heart of those kitties.
In addition, many other characters will appear making the game colorfully.

■ Number of Mysteries increased
Stages increased to 9 stages!
What's more, there are over 30 extra stages!

■ Dress-up function
A lot of character costumes! Let's change clothes and go out.

■ Let's be healed with beautiful background music
Includes more than 30 songs that decorate the stage! Turn on the sound and enjoy.

■ You can customize the room as you like
You can create furniture stickers by collecting the materials (pigments) on the stage.
Let's arrange many stickers freely to complete a wonderful room!

■ Recommended for the following people
・I have played the previous game
・I like healing games
・I like escape games
・I like cute characters and animals
・I like to collect items

◆How to play◆

■ On each stage, explore it and collect the four paints required for clearing the stage.

■ You can move inside the stage by simple tap or swipe.

■ You can proceed to solve the mystery by tapping where the cat footprint icon appears.

■ Use the items in the item column by tapping or swiping.

■ When you clear each stage, "bonus stage" will be added.
On the bonus stage, you can get new costumes and pigments as clear rewards.

■ At home, if you have a certain number of pigments, you will be able to challenge "the redecorating puzzle".
Let's look at the hints displayed in the room and use pigments to create and move the missing furniture.
You can freely arrange furniture in the room where you have cleared the puzzle

◆Strategy tips◆

■If you can't solve the mystery, you can see hints and answers through the [?] mark icon.
※You need to watch the video to see the hint.
※There is no hint function on the bonus stage.

■ Look carefully at the shape and pattern of the stickers in "the redecorating puzzle" mode
There may be slight differences even if they look symmetrical at first glance

■ Mini games are recommended to play for collecting a lot of pigments.
At the bonus stage, you can also get pigments as a clear reward.

■Double the number of pigments acquired by watching videos! Let's get a lot of pigments at once!

[Official X]

*For inquiries, please contact us from the official website.
*This game is basically free, but there are some in-app billing contents.
Oxirgi yangilanish
30-iyl, 2024

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