Puppy GO

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308 ta sharh
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Do you like a puppy? Now there are some magical dogs come to our world. The difference is that they need you to use a smart phone to see. Quickly open the Puppy Go game to go out and look for them.

Puppies out of the house and now roam the streets of your city! Some of them - dachshund and shepherd etc. In this simulation you have to find and catch the hidden puppies in the real world with the help of radar and camera smartphone. Move on city streets, parks and squares, even inside buildings and with the help of the radar is disguised puppies.

Use the magic ball catch discovered the puppies, so he gets to your phone. Collect them all in your collection.

- Augmented Reality Game
- Excellent graphics
- Very good sounds
- Less wear battery
- Easy to use
- Very funny
- Ideal for the younger children. The puppies also appear inside indoors
- Totally free

How to play:
- Go out of the house, looking for bubbles to take the circle.
- Near the circle, so that small puppies come out.
- Use the magic balls to collect puppies.
- Find the blue building to get more magic ball
- You can play with Puppies in "My Pet":
- Slide up, down, left, right let Puppies do some action.

Puppy GO uses augmented reality technology, and requires you to move around to find puppies. Be careful near the roadway!
Oxirgi yangilanish
20-avg, 2023

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