Flags and Capitals Guess-Quiz

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10 ming+
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How many country flags can you name from memory? Do you know what the flag of Russia, the flag USA or Canada looks like? Which country has a red flag? In what order are the colours on the flag of France? Do you know the names of all countries of the world and their capital? Can you guess the country from the flag photo?

Flags and Capitals of the World Quiz is a great quiz game for those who want to study world geography. The game has flags of the countries of Europe, flags of America, countries of Asia, Africa, Oceania. Test your knowledge or learn new!

The game has several modes.
1) Guessing the country by its flag
2) Guessing the flag by country name
3) Guessing the capital
4) Guessing the currency of the country
5) Training

It is very simple to play - choose the mode that you like, in each level there are 20 questions with 4 answer options in each. There is only one correct answer!

The faster you answer, the more points you earn.
For each level you pass, you get coins that you can spend on tips.

Can’t you complete the level? There is a training mode. Cards will help you remember the flag or name of the country, its capital and currency.
Oxirgi yangilanish
12-may, 2022

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🔥 New game mode - MULTIPLAYER 🤼‍♂️ 🏆
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