Go Math - Learn Math with Math

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224 ta sharh
10 ming+
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You kids are still doing a calculation using fingers?

Are they slower in doing the calculation and take a much longer time to solve the mathematical problem?

Would you like to improve their calculation skills and help them learn math in a more FUN way?

Go Math is an educational math game app that helps kids to learn Math in fun, excitement and easy way.

Go Math covers Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division Math Games topics that will improve kids knowledge on Math and fasten their calculation skill as the player need to answers 30 question with-in 3 Life.

Each topic will have 3 Math Game levels:

The kids have to complete level-by-level to unlock each level to make it more fun and challenging their skills. It is a basic math game where kids have to complete the game to win.

Suitable to learn math for kids, learn math for kindergarten and learn math for preschool.

With a simple and colorful design, Go Math is a fun math games app that will attract kids to focus and learn mathematics in better ways.

Download the app now!
Oxirgi yangilanish
14-fev, 2021

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