RCM Retaining Wall - Pro

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This is a professional version of RCM Retaining wall app, with no Ads, full access to all app functionalities, where user could save and load a geotechnical projects from the RCM cloud, and also could generate a PDF format report of calculations.

RCM Retaining Wall is an application for mobile devices dedicated to civil engineers, professionals related to civil engineering and university students of said career. The application is generally based on the check and / or structural geotechnical design of retaining walls through four main calculation processes: The first is summarized in the geotechnical check by: lateral thrust, overturning, pressure at the base and vertical deflection. The second process is based on the structural check of each of the concrete elements that make up the structure of the wall and its base, according to the stresses involved, either by uniformly distributed load on the filling material, point load on the wall screen. or load distributed on the heel of the base, such checks will be for flexion and for cutting. The third calculation process is summarized in verifying the geometry of the structural elements and defining the required reinforcing steel. And the fourth and final process is based on calculating the quantities of materials used and giving a detailed budget for the work in local currency. The design philosophy of the program is based on two main theories for the calculation of lateral pressures, which are: Coulomb\'s theory and Rankine\'s theory. The seismic considerations were based on the Mononobe-Okabe approximations. The development of the application was elaborated in such a way that the user will have intelligent assistance in real time when defining the input data. Since the program is not only technically based on the ACI 318-14 standard in terms of considerations for the design of the different structural concrete elements, but also on a good number of concepts and recommendations of the geotechnical-structural design, through the work Research carried out by the creator of the application, on books by important authors in geotechnical and structural engineering, so that the program will interfere when the user enters geometric or mechanical data, where the user will be notified with the values minimums or maximums allowed, thus ensuring a better fluid calculation process, to give sustained reliability to the formulas and algorithms used and with the lowest possible margin of error when obtaining the final design results.

Hazem Al Hadwi
Oxirgi yangilanish
22-may, 2022

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App startup issue correction
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New AASHTO considerations
Pdf Report Corrections
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