Mobilize smart charge

10 ming+
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Smart Charge your Renault electric car with more sustainable energy at lower costs!
Check the availability of your vehicle. Mobilize smart charge is now available for:

ZOE E-TECH Electric (phase 1) produced from December 2018 and equipped with R-link
ZOE E-TECH Electric (phase 2) produced from the 29th of October 2020 and equipped with Easylink
Twingo E-TECH Electric equipped with Easylink
Megane E-TECH Electric equipped with OpenR link
Kangoo E-TECH Electric equipped with Easylink

**Use the Mobilize smart charge app at home to:**
Save money on your electricity bill;
Receive cash rewards for smart charging;
Help the electricity grid to integrate more renewables
Receive updates on your Smart Charging sessions.

**How does Mobilize smart charge work?**
You can specify your charging preferences, like at what time you want your electric car to be fully charged. The charging process is then automatically scheduled to maximize the use of renewable energy and minimize the cost of charging. All while ensuring your vehicle is ready to go when you need it!

**Save and earn money with Mobilize smart charge**
By helping to balance the electricity grid, you will receive a cash reward for every kWh you smart charge. Do you have an energy contract with off-peak hours or dynamic tariffs? After you fill in your energy tariffs, your charging schedule will be optimized to charge during the lowest tariff periods. After each session, you instantly see how much you saved on your electricity bill.
Oxirgi yangilanish
17-iyl, 2024

Maʼlumotlar xavfsizligi

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