Solitaire - Classic Card Games

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"Classic Solitaire" is the simple and classic card game in you remember.
Enjoy the classic 'Klondike' or 'Patience' version of solitaire enjoyed by millions of players around the world.

This is a easy game with very simple rules:
- Tap or drag cards to arrange them in descending order with alternating colors.
- When you can, move cards up to the foundation to sort all of the suits from Ace to King.

You're going to love playing this SOLITAIRE CARD GAME!
1.Various Beautifully Themes with Dynamic Effects
We have designed backgrounds, user interfaces and beautiful dynamic effects for each theme.

2.Fun Daily Challenges
Earn trophies and coins by solving each day’s new challenge.

3.Winning Deals
Play deals where you know there is at least one winning solution.

4.You can play anytime, anywhere
Unlimited Deal! Unlimited undo option! Unlimited Hints! Great bonus awards!

- Play right or left-handed and adjust hands to draw-1 or draw-3
- Customization: Change your background, card backs and card faces for a personalized experience
- Unlimited hints and Undos
- Auto-collect cards on completion
- Play offline at any time

Our version of Solitaire is free and is one of the most popular!
Download now to play this classic Solitaire card game.

Haven't heard of this game yet? It is recommended that you do not miss the following description:
Klondike Solitaire uses a standard 52 card deck of playing cards without jokers. The objective of the game is to expose all cards and move them into the foundation piles. There are 4 foundation piles (one for each suit) that are represented on the screen by an “A“ written on it. These piles are built upward in suit from Aces to Kings.
In Solitaire there are 7 tableau columns that are built downward (in decreasing rank from Kings to Aces) in alternating colours (red and black). The aim of the game is to clear all the rows into the suitable foundation piles.
Oxirgi yangilanish
12-dek, 2023

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