Reo Ora

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Reo Ora is a comprehensive Māori language learning app that offers a variety of features and tools to help users improve their language skills. The app is designed for users of all levels, from those who are just starting to learn Māori to advanced learners.

One of the app's standout features is Hopu Kōrero, which measures the accuracy of your pronunciation. Hopu Kōrero uses speech recognition technology to analyse your pronunciation and provide feedback on areas where you need to improve. This feature is a valuable tool for learners who want to speak Māori with confidence.

In addition to Hopu Kōrero, Reo Ora also allows users to earn badges as they progress through the app. These badges recognize your achievements and can be shared on your social media profiles. This feature adds an element of gamification to the app, making learning Māori fun and rewarding.

Other features of Reo Ora include interactive lessons covering various topics such as basic vocabulary, grammar, and conversational skills. The app also includes a pronunciation guide with audio recordings of native speakers pronouncing words and phrases.
Oxirgi yangilanish
16-iyn, 2024

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