Anagram Magic
Thousands of anagram brain food! From 4 letters and up.
Anagram Magic is designed for for people who love anagrams!
Anagrams have been around for a long time and studies have shown that they benefit brain power and improve your thought process.
So why not give your brain some exercise and indulge in some Anagram Magic?
- Play at your own pace and progress from 4 letters and up.
- Normal Mode: Standard anagrams we're all familiar with.
- Physics Mode: Jumbled letters with physics properties!
- Win new avatars and perks as you make progress
- Thousands of words available
- Collect stars and get perks
- Get clues, antonyms and free start letters
- Stats added so you can improve your game.
- Stuck? Use a reward Ad for more clues & perks.
- What stage can you reach?...
Beautiful backgrounds, soothing music and fun animations make Anagram Magic a great way to not only train your brain, but also help relax and have fun passing time.
Thanks for downloading and I hope you enjoy the game.
So please leave any suggestion or feedback that can help improve the experience.
Good luck, and enjoy!
rMc Apps
Oxirgi yangilanish
5-mar, 2023