3D Roll Dice

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3D and animated dice rolling app that you can use instead of physical dice. When playing board games like backgammon, the "3D Roll Dice" app can be used instead of real dice. While physical dice fall off the table and disappear, the dice in this application will never disappear.

Whenever you don't have real dice with you, you can roll dice in an easy and fun way as an alternative. With a lifelike physics engine, the dice fall from above and react realistically when they hit each other. When the dice are rolled, you hear a real dice roll sound.

You can roll with 2 dice, which is the most common number of dice rolls. You can roll 1 or 10 dice at the same time as you wish and see the results for the number of dice rolled.

The historical results of all dice thrown during the game are saved and you can review the history at any time.

🎲 Realistic 3D and animated dice rolling app!
🎲 You can review the past results of all thrown dice.
🎲 You can roll 1 or 10 dice at a time.
🎲 You can roll dice by shaking the phone like a dice.
🎲 You roll dice with a real dice rolling sound.
🎲 Easy to use, clean and simple interface.
😍 It is completely free.

Rate it as ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ and share it with all your loved ones so that the app can improve. We wish you a good time.
Oxirgi yangilanish
6-fev, 2024

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🎲 The first version of a 3D and animated dice rolling app that can be used instead of physical dice has been released!