Rope Race 3D - Ninja Assassin

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Step into the thrilling world of Rope Race 3D - Ninja Assassin. Rope Race 3D is game for strategic players that takes you on a wild adventure as a hunter with a deadly Kunai.
In the Rope Race 3D - Ninja Assassin you do different action like Dodge attacks, teleport animation, avoid various obstacles and destroy enemies!

Beware the traps and define your own strategy! In each level, other ninjas will be waiting for you. Your task is to get to them and kill them like a real killer. You will control the dagger - kunai. Strike accurately with weapons and take them all down. With rocket speed, you need to be quick and cunning to kill the enemy.

You might start off in the cyber cityscape, dodging traps and taking down enemies with your Kunai. Learn to control your weapons, hit your opponent, teleport a distance and dodge attacks. Only by learning all the skills of a stealth assassin can you become a true Rope Race Master!

Kunai Master: Ninja Assassin features:

- graphics and audio effects
- Different enemy types
- Different types of warriors
- Beautiful graphics
- Bosses with various skills

Start killing your enemy by your weapon and create new history every time.
Oxirgi yangilanish
4-avg, 2023

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