Scary Wife - Anime Horror Game

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303 ta sharh
10 ming+
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T (13+)

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In your neighbor house at night there is a guest arrived. She said she is your new wife and you are her husband. From your late grandpa's letter, you found her name is Sakura. But you don't have a memories about your marriage with her. It is doesn't make sense to you because she is virtually a beautiful woman like some anime waifu girls in school simulator 3D game. But something is very creepy about her, say hello to your new scary wife!

You can also choose your crazy wife virtual appearance or costumes. Is it beautiful lady, virtual anime girl, sexy poppy mother, yandere's waifu, killer barbi doll or even old scary grandma. Your virtual wife also can get pregnant and have a yellow baby girl. You can also hide on your mom refrigerator because she is like to eat ice cream. Run from your daddy's spooky horror mansion and seek for your escape on Scary Wife!

In this 3D game you can play waifu simulation no sutoka if you ever have a very scary wife. She is like to playing with her haunted doll everyday. Every time you playing an online virtual gacha game, miss forger will say hello and scream at you instantly. She placed some virtual footage cameras on the room like a spy x mama and you'll need to find at least 10 notes on old mansion about yourself because you have lost memory on 2022. All the notes left by your mother Saiko is required to uncover her real identity. Who's she? An evil spy, creepy sister, high school teacher, bad mama, angry mother ghost or your spooky granny who is like to prank peoples?

- Intense scary hide and seek with virtual girlfriends.
- Mix of survival horror and romance sim x family playtime.
- Find out your wife's mysterious background with deep story.
- Realistic your daddy horror house and dark mansion 3D design.
- Choose your anime wife's style playtime and cute virtual waifu!
- Who's your wife's mommy Saiko?
- New costumes: mama yor!
Oxirgi yangilanish
24-iyl, 2023

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