Hd Projector Video Guide

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Hd Projector Screen Mirroring Phone Screen Mirroring with Miracast Smart app.
With hd video projector guide.

Screen mirroring app that help you miror your phone screen to TV with just one tap. Using Miracast Technology this"Hd Projector video guide" can help you easily and quickly cast your phone screen into a bigger TV Screen so that you can enjoy the best entertaining moments. There are 2 ways to mirror your phone screen into smart TV Screen device:

1. Using Smart mirroring technology
2. Using Miracast Web Browser technology

Cast to TV for the finest video and movie viewing experience.
Quick and easy connection with one tap
Support for Multiple Devices with Miracast
Quick and simple to screen-mirroring
Screen Mirroring phone to large TV more quickly.
Quick connectivity and user-friendly with Miracast
Play smartphone games on your television by screen-mirroring with Miracast
Web browser live video casting.
High speed screen mirroring
Quick access to your favorite apps and channels.

How To Use:
1. Your smart TV should support Wireless Display or any sort of Display Dongles.
2. The TV must be connected to the WI-FI network just like your phone.
3. Search for your Device.
4. Select and pair the device.

Before you start, make sure that the device's VPN is turned off.
The TV needs to be connected to the same WiFi network as your phone.

Thanks Fir Using This Application.
Oxirgi yangilanish
10-fev, 2024

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