History Of World - Timeline

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📜History of World App provides rich and comprehensive overview of the history which enabling anyone to explore the fascinating history of mankind from the earliest civilizations to modern age.
📜This app enables you to carry a knowledge box in your mobile and to consume the historical knowledge at any time. This is an excellent place to start to bring your historical knowledge up to scratch! App has a wide range of topics including Great Kingdoms, Countries, Wars, Battles, IMP Events etc. by which you can learn the history in Timeline manner to understand the Events with their Dates.


⏳Ancient History : when farming begin, Bhimbetka ,Maya Calendar, Bronze Age, ancient civilization areas, Egypt Dynasty, Indus Valley, China Dynasties, Roman Kingdom, Upanishads, Rise Of Persian Empire, Athens Democracy, Chanakya, Panini etc. and many more

⏳Medieval History : Roman War, Chalukya Dynasty, Jerusalem, Three Kingdoms in Korea, Bulgerian Empire, Pepin, Invention 0f Gunpowder, London Tower, University of Oxford & Cambridge, Ottoman Empire etc. and many more.

⏳Modern History : Battle Of Panipat, French Revolution, Napoleon , American Civil War, Eiffel Tower, Olympic Games, Nobel Prize , World War I & II, Time Magazine, Micky Mouse, FIFA, Quit India, Apollo Moon mission etc. and many more.

Please keep in mind that, the History of World app is basically a collection of historical events from various internet articles, sources, Wikipedia and selected to provide a great reading experience at the convenient of your mobile device. If you notice any mistake, please let us know to proper reference, we are happy to solve it.

**For questions or suggestions please contact sourabhmahale66@gmail.com.Thank you for the interest.**
Oxirgi yangilanish
14-avg, 2021

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