Video Call from Santa Claus

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M (17+)

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If you have a boring day, try downloading this prank application to make video calls with Santa Claus. Use this app to prank your friends or family and surprise them with lots of funny characters.
Video call and voice call from Santa Claus. Feel the excitement of having a video call with your favorite character. You will have a long conversation with the idol of millions.
Santa Claus Fake Call is app is an app that offer you a fake call from Santa Claus and will prank your friends or family.
Whether you want to surprise your friends during a gathering, lighten up a dull moment, or simply enjoy a good laugh, this app has got you covered. Engage in endless pranks and share the hilarity with others by recording and saving the reactions.

* Extensive Santa Claus episodes collection
* Easy to use interface
* Funny and entertaining voices that play when you or your friends answer the call.
* Pre-recorded videos of Santa Claus characters in action that play when you answer the call.
* Easy to use interface for a seamless experience.

What are you waiting for? Download the game now and Enjoy! Enjoy it with Santa Claus;

It's important to keep in mind that this app is purely fictional and not an official product. Its sole purpose is to provide entertainment through simulated fake calls—it is not a genuine call from Santa Claus.
Oxirgi yangilanish
6-dek, 2023

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