Remote for SkyPlus

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Transform your Android device into a powerful IR remote control with Infrared Skyplus! This feature-packed app is designed exclusively for smartphones equipped with Infrared (IR) sensors, allowing you to control a wide range of IR-enabled devices, from TVs and set-top boxes to air conditioners and home appliances. Say goodbye to juggling multiple remote controls – Infrared Skyplus puts the power of control in your pocket.

Key Features:

Universal IR Remote Control:

Effortlessly control your TV, cable box, stereo system, and other home entertainment devices with the touch of a button.
A/C and Home Appliance Control:

Set your air conditioner to your preferred temperature or operate compatible home appliances with ease.
Customizable Remote Layouts:

Create custom remote layouts for each of your devices, ensuring you have the right controls at your fingertips.
In-App Device Database:

Extensive database with pre-configured remotes for popular brands and models, making device setup a breeze.

Learning Mode:
Teach your phone to mimic the functions of your existing remotes by capturing IR signals directly.

Smart Integration:
Seamlessly integrate with other smart home devices and platforms, giving you more control at your fingertips.
User-Friendly Interface:

A sleek and intuitive user interface designed to enhance your remote control experience.
Infrared Skyplus is the ideal solution for anyone looking to streamline their home entertainment and appliance control. It's the perfect companion for those lucky enough to have an IR sensor-equipped Android smartphone.

Note: Infrared Skyplus requires an IR sensor on your Android device to function properly. Some newer smartphones may not have this feature, so please ensure your device is compatible.

Disclaimer: This is not officail Remote app for SkyPlus
Oxirgi yangilanish
8-noy, 2023

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