Smarty Ants PreK - 1st Grade

804 ta sharh
100 ming+
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Hamma uchun

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Accelerate students toward mastery of foundational reading skills with Smarty Ants®.
Designed for all students in grades PreK-1, Smarty Ants® is an effective, research-driven solution that differentiates instruction and accelerates students on the path to foundational literacy – all in an engaging, interactive, learning environment.

About the App
• Free for all Smarty Ants customers with an active account
• Access the complete Smarty Ants student program from your Android tablet
• Login using the same username and password you use in your browser
• Access lessons without an Internet connection; automatically syncs when Android tablet is online

Product Features
• Adaptive online learning environment that delivers of instruction tailored to the student’s individual needs
• Students choose how to learn each skill, whether it’s a snowboarding or race car activity
• Students build 67 phonics-based stories, increasing in complexity as their skills indicate readiness for greater challenges
• With thousands of rewards to unlock, dozens of mini-games to try, challenges tailored to player's behavior, and a unique, customizable avatar for every child, it’s easy to keep students motivated!
• Real-time progress reported to the Teacher's Dashboard
• Learning progress is saved on the cloud, allowing users to access their account from multiple devices

Supported Tablet OS's:
Jelly Bean (Android 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3)
Kit Kat (Android 4.4)
Oxirgi yangilanish
6-iyn, 2024

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