Sudoku - Classic Puzzle

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Sudoku Online is a handy way to test your Sudoku skills. Whether you're a Sudoku guru or you're playing Sudoku for the first time in your life, the rules are simple. At the beginning of the game, you will have a grid divided into nine squares of 3x3 cells each. Some cells are already filled with numbers. Your task is to fill the entire grid with numbers from 1 to 9 so that the same numbers do not occur in one line, row or square. Play Sudoku and have good luck!

Sudoku is a great way to pass the time and practice your logic skills. Sudoku puzzles have four basic rules. The same numbers should not occur, firstly, in the same line, secondly, in the same row and, thirdly, in the same 3x3 square. The fourth rule is: the sum of the numbers in each row, line or 3x3 square must be equal to 45. Sudoku is not a puzzle for guessing numbers, here you need to count and analyze the arrangement of numbers. Invite your friends to play Sudoku together or compete against the clock!
Oxirgi yangilanish
20-yan, 2023

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