Manor Guardian:Stick War King

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10 ming+
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Play the game Manor Guardian:Stick War King, one of the biggest, most fun, challenging and addicting stick figure games. Control your army in formations or play each unit, you have total control of every stickman. Build units, mine gold, learn the way of the Sword, Spear, Archer, Mage, and even Giant. Destroy the enemy statue, and capture all Territories!

Build your Empire, use your talent to conquer all countries in the Stickman World, and win the Golden Throne.

Main Features:
● Free play
● Variety of Stickman characters: Miner, Sword, Giant, Archer,...
●Over 500+ challenges in stick man game mode with the ultimate skills of stick man
●Stick War legacy - Defense strategy game - Attack game like stick war, stick man battle, stick man empire
● Endless Deads zombie survival mode! How many nights can you last?
● Tournament mode! Battle your way through dozens of Ai challengers to win the Crown
● Skins are now available for all characters! Unlock powerful weapons and armor, each with their own unique perks!

You're surrounded by discriminate nations devoted to their individual nations technology and struggle for dominance. Each nation has developed its own unique way to defend and attack. Proud of their unique craft they have become obsessed to the point of worship, turning weapons to religion. Each believes that their way of life is the only way, and are dedicated to teaching their policies to all other nations through what their leaders claim as divine intervention, or as you will know it... war.

Can you conquer the stick world and be a King in the war of Stickman?"
Oxirgi yangilanish
15-yan, 2023

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