Tic Tac Toe - Noughts and cros

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10 ming+
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Best tick-tat-toe, or tit-tat-toe game to play with a single player or 2 players.

-- Single and 2 player mode (Computer and human)
-- No difficulty levels
-- Class UI


O should adopt the following strategies:

If X plays corner opening move (best move for them), O should take center, and then an edge, forcing X to block in the next move. This will stop any forks from happening. When both X and O are perfect players and X chooses to start by marking a corner, O takes the center, and X takes the corner opposite the original. In that case, O is free to choose any edge as its second move. However, if X is not a perfect player and has played a corner and then an edge, O should not play the opposite edge as its second move, because then X is not forced to block in the next move and can fork.
If X plays edge opening move, O should take center, and then follow the above list of priorities, mainly paying attention to block forks.
If X plays a center opening move, O should take a corner, and then follow the above list of priorities, mainly paying attention to block forks.

When X plays corner first (best move for them), and O is not a perfect player, the following may happen:

If O responds with a center mark (best move for them), a perfect X player will take the corner opposite the original. Then O should play an edge. However, if O plays a corner as its second move, a perfect X player will mark the remaining corner, blocking O's 3-in-a-row and making their own fork.
If O responds with a corner mark, X is guaranteed to win, by simply taking any of the other two corners and then the last, a fork. (since when X takes the third corner, O can only take the position between the two X's. Then X can take the only remaining corner to win)
If O responds with an edge mark, X is guaranteed to win, by taking center, then O can only take the corner opposite the corner which X plays first. Then X can take a corner to win.
Oxirgi yangilanish
16-okt, 2024

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