Toy sort - Sort puzzle

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46 ta sharh
10 ming+
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"Toy sort - Sort puzzle" is a Free, popular sort color puzzle game.
You can spend your leisure time and exercise your brain to keep your brain young!

After playing "Toy sort - Sort puzzle" you will find it a fun and addictive sorting color game!
Game goal: Try to sort the colored toys on the shelf until all the colors are on the same shelf.
You win the game!

How to play Toy Sorting Puzzle:

-Click on any shelf to select the toy on top, then click on another shelf to stack the toys in it.
-You can only stack toys onto shelves that have the same color toy on top and have enough space.
-When toys of the same color are sorted into a shelf, you have completed the level!
-Only 4 toys can be placed on each shelf.
-There are no moving steps, you can restart the level and start the game again at any time!
-Use Undo to go back to previous steps.
-If you encounter difficulties, please use free props to help you complete the level!

Sort Puzzle Game Features:
-The game is simple, control with one finger and play freely.
-More than 3,000 interesting levels with beautiful and exquisite themes.
- Free to play and easy to play.
-Classic games exercise your brain and keep you young.
-No time limit, no punishment mechanism, enjoy the fun of puzzle games easily and happily.
-No WIFI requirements, you can play anytime, anywhere!
-Free puzzle sorting game suitable for people of every age!
Get ready to challenge your brain with the engaging "Toy sort - Sort puzzle" game.
Download now and get ready to enjoy an immersive sorting color experience!
Oxirgi yangilanish
11-okt, 2024

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39 ta sharh

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Enjoy toy sort puzzle games, sort colors and try your brain!