Draw Your Synth Bass

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Yoshga oid cheklov
Hamma uchun

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In this application, you can draw predefined bass samples on the screen using a color palette. Each individual color in the palette corresponds to a unique bass sample. So you can play the samples by touching on the drawn colors.
There are many samples for each kit, so you can draw a lot of combinations. The application allows playing polyphonic samples, you can play many samples at the same time.
You can change the thickness of the painting brush, so you can draw fine features and write on the screen by free hand as well.
After you finish the painting all you have to do is to touch play button (the rightmost button on top) to prepare the drum set for playing.

There are 9 different synth sets: analog attack, blind bass, distortion bass, hip hop bass, power bass, reso bass, sub bass, synth bass, vintage bass.

If you have any suggestions I'd appreciate your feedback. You can send me your suggestions by e-mail. Thanks for trying the program and hope you enjoy it.
Oxirgi yangilanish
22-avg, 2023

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