Spectre Mind: Rotating Cube

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1 ming+
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Spectre Mind: Rotating Cube is a fun free-to-play game for improving your memory. You have a cube with a few open tiles. Your goal is to remember their positions on the cube. Once you’re done, the cube rotates and the tile positions change. Use your memory to put the tiles back into their original positions. Over time, the cube increases in size, and the number of tiles too!

The proposed exercise allows you not only to train your visual memory, but also to monitor your progress achieved as a result of this training, while the gamified format adds excitement to the process.

As you progress through the puzzle, your memory will improve and the game will become increasingly easier for you to play. If you feel that the game has become too easy for you and you can honestly play it all the way to the end, then accept our sincere congratulations because it means that you have achieved incredible results in your visual memory training and can move on to more challenging puzzles.

Spectre Mind is a series of free-to-play puzzle games aimed at brain training. Develop your logical skills, memory, and attention. By playing our brain teaser games, you train your brain and increase its power!
Oxirgi yangilanish
29-sen, 2024

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