Stick Army Battle

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Kingdom Fairy was the kingdom of happiness until Fearat monsters appeared and broke their peaceful life.

Let’s be a stick hero incarnate in Stick Army Battle to lead your army to overcome frontier passages and hard traps to rescue your comrades and kingdom from those monsters.

Monsters Fearat occupied everywhere and set full of death traps in this kingdom. You have to get the best of your fighting skills to overcome all challenges
🔻 Make the right strategy options when fighting to the army of contenders to gather power before fighting to big boss. Be careful when drawing pin out because you can face the stronger contenders.
🔻 You can’t lead your army belong to the ways you’ve gone in some levels so that you have to work out your steps carefully.
🔻 Besides, monsters Fearat have “Space gate” to provide more and more troops so that your army has to destroy that gate as soon as possible.
🔻 In level of big boss, try to bring all your soldiers beat that monster.

🛡 Don’t forget to upgrade your power and the defense of your kingdom.
🔻 Complete daily missions to get award to equip armor.
🔻 Build the solid kingdom and take full advantage of resource to serve battles
🔻 Use lucky spin to get amazing production.

Download Stick Army Battle right now to set your foot to kingdom Fairy and pass all game levels.
Oxirgi yangilanish
26-fev, 2024

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