Apocalypse Cow

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93 ta sharh
5 ming+
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Apocalypse Cow is a simple, fun and addictive arcade game that is easy to play and can be very challenging!

Take on the role of McClane McCow - or call him whatever "tough guy" name you like - and avoid the falling meteors for as long as possible while attempting to get the best distance in the world.

Optionally watch ads to earn power-ups that can help you avoid those meteors for as long as possible, and remember to look out for fun facts about cows and playing tips inside the game.

If you enjoy playing other infinite runner's and games like Flappy Bird, Crossy Road, Doodle Jump, - keep inserting more similar games here until you get bored, etc... - you'll love playing Apocalypse Cow. It's fast, addictive and funny - sometimes like comedy funny - and is even based on a true story!

In 1972 Valera broke through the Earth's atmosphere and is the only meteorite known to have killed a living thing when it landed on a cow. Google - Valera meteor - if you don't believe us!

Oh, and this is why #cowsdontlikemeteors - Don't forget to tweet your high score screenshots with the hashtag or use other social media apps to share your distances with friends to see who has the best score. Did you get as far as they did - let's see you try!

The controls are super-simple, making Apocalypse Cow a great arcade game for all the family. Just touch the right side of the screen to run right and the left side to run left. It's just that simple! But believe us, it takes some skill to get far!

A simple arcade game that is fun and challenging for all the family.
Oxirgi yangilanish
25-avg, 2023

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