Fake Call from Mkamel GG

Reklamalar mavjud
10 ming+
Yoshga oid cheklov
Hamma uchun

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Mkamel GG Fake Call - With this application you can make a prank call to your friends, as if you were making a voice or video call with Mkamel GG.

Making calls with idols like Mkamel GG is definitely fun, even if it's just a fake call.

To use a fake call from this application is very easy, please follow the instructions below:

1. Open the fake call app from Mkamel GG
2. Select the photo you want to use
3. Choose a call template (wa, tg, fb)
4. Define call type (voice or video)
5. Choose call time
6. Finally click the "call" button.

Isn't it very easy to use this fake call from Mkamel GG?

Note: This application is only an entertainment application, so use it wisely. Everything you do with this application is beyond our responsibility as the maker of the application.

Disclaimer :
This app is not official , this is a prank call and it’s not real , and it’s not related to the original character mentioned throughout the app
Oxirgi yangilanish
30-mar, 2024

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