Catholic Questions

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71 ta sharh
5 ming+
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Have you ever asked yourself the reason for going to mass? Why do you pray to Mary? Who is the Pope or why do Catholics call a priest "father"? This app explains the fundamentals of the Catholic faith and beliefs with reference to the Bible, Catechism of the Catholic Church, and other references.

The app is made for Catholics who are seeking answers to questions about their faith. The app is a concise guide meant to provide some direction for further research.

It references the Bible, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, a few inserts from the Church fathers, and some of the great lay teachers of our time.

The app includes answers to certain questions such as:
✔ Is the mass biblical?
✔ Is Jesus against all forms of tradition?
✔ Why do Catholics baptize with water?
✔ Why confess to a priest?
✔ Why we shouldn't receive communion with sin?
✔ Is God against any form of religion and much more

Read the contents of the app with an open mind. This app, Google Play, the reviews section, is not a platform for debates across different religious beliefs. Please respect and may God bless us all.

Note: This app uses Google Firebase Analytics to help improve the app.
Oxirgi yangilanish
1-noy, 2023

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65 ta sharh

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We always update the information inside the app and make design improvements. Enjoy!

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Josemaria San Juan
18 Nicaragua Street, Better Living Subd. Paranaque 1711 Metro Manila Philippines

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