Miracast Screen Mirroring | TV

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Miracast Screen Mirroring | TV Cast able to play videos, music, photos, etc in smartphone with supported devices (smartphone, smartTV, laptop, tablet, etc) at anywhere.

Miracast provides an easy shortcut and widget to use the Miracast external display screen casting feature included in Android 4.2 and above!
With this app, user will more conveniently be able to mirror own screen or use the cast feature from supported devices.

To Share/mirror mobile screen to SmartTV or Wifi Display dongle connected to TV,
Following steps needs to performed:
1. Check your TV wheather it supports Wireless Display / Miracast.
2. Make sure TV is connected to the same WiFi network as your mobile device. You can't connect it with wired connection (LAN).
3. Make sure your Android device version is 4.2 or higher.
4. Make sure your device inbuilt hardware of Miracast.
5. Download and run Miracast App.

How to use?
Firstly App open then click on wi-fi display you will go on cast screen directly.
Enable the TV Miracast.
Tap on start wifi of the application.
Miracast application should be enabled.
Both will connect automatically to each other then you can see same mobile screen show on Smart TV.

Ease of Use: The app is fast event in 3g-4g-6g network and easy to browse .

Miracast gives you -
- Truly amazing graphics
- Amazing animations
- Carefully crafted option more apps

Please note: that the app works on 3G, 4G, 6G and WiFi connectivity.
Oxirgi yangilanish
26-apr, 2024

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314 ta sharh

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✔ Stability improvements
✔ Many technical updates and fixes
✔ Update UI
Happy mirroring !